Delicious Yummy Crispy Ranch Air Fryer Chickpeas

I'm sharing this recipe for crispy ranch air fried chickpeas, which makes a quick and healthful snack. Hi hi! How is it going today? Today, we're relaxing at home and going easy. Along with studying and cleaning, I've also been shopping and making some delectable meals. I wanted to share the recipe for these really tasty air-fried chickpeas with you.

We get Bienas chickpea snacks from Thrive Market, and my kids and I both adore them. However, they may get a little pricy, especially when the three of us finish a bag in one go. The other day, when I was looking at them, I thought that creating my own version might be interesting. 

We had a large amount that I cooked yesterday afternoon because it was more simpler than I had anticipated. These will undoubtedly reappear as part of the preparation of meals and as kid-friendly lunchtime snacks.

Ranch-Style Crispy Air-Fried Chickpeas

Delicious Yummy Crispy Ranch Air Fryer Chickpeas

The ingredients to produce these little beauties are as follows:

2 cans of rinsed and drained chickpeas

Avocado lard (you can also use olive oil)

choice of seasoning. Since I made a ranch-style version, I also added salt, pepper, dried chives, dried dill, dried parsley, and onion powder. You may also go wild and use everything you want, like curry, dill pickle seasoning, and everything but the bagel seasoning!

Making crunchy air-fried chickpeas

Phase one

Chickpeas should be drained and rinsed. Dry off gently using a paper towel. Set the air fryer to 390 degrees.

Phase two

Make sure the chickpeas are completely covered in a thin layer of oil after drizzling it on them.

Phase three

Create the spice blend in a different bowl. the spice mixture over the chickpeas after thoroughly stirring.

Fourth step

Make sure the chickpeas are distributed equally before adding them to the air fryer. Add pepper and salt sparingly.

Input five

Shake the air fryer basket occasionally for 12 to 15 minutes, or until the food is brown and crispy.

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