9 Worst Things to do Before a Workout

9 Worst Things to do Before a Workout

we're gon na do another one of those q a's that i love to do because i am getting so  numerous good questions i get a many weird bones

             every  formerly in a while as well but you know hopefully  moment we'll be  suitable to bust a many myths and give you guys some good answers to good questions  each right let's get into it a low carb diet is the stylish for all body types true or or false well false there is no  substantiation that are supporting that you know a low carb diet would be better than a high carb diet so um as long as you eat enough protein your veggies  also you should know that fat and carbs are both energy for the body and you can eat a combination of them or some people prefer to eat  further carbs less fat or the other way around so whatever works for you but no that is false will running melt my muscles no it will not i  suppose what you are  pertaining to then's that if you do a lot of running that you might get  lower muscles which can laterally be true you see if you do not have enough energy in your body and your  stop's say run long distance your body will  shoot out a signal to to your brain that oh we do not have enough energy to feed all these muscles uh we more shrink them so you you'll kill some muscle mass over time if you do too  important long distance running without having the energy in your body um so that's the answer to that question um you can you can sprint you can do 5k you can indeed do long distance running as long as you fuel up favorite supersets well first of all a superset is when you go from one exercise to another without any rest um so my favorite superset i am not a huge addict of super setting overall but i do like to super set arms um so i will go from a bicep exercise straight into tricep exercise so yeah that is my answer to hormones  impact  exercises and nutrition so without going too deep on hormones i would say yes hormones can affect your your capability to  make muscle mass gain or lose fat and and overall how are you feeling what  outfit should i get if i do not have the possibility to go to a  spa well that is an excellent question i would say it depends on your  thing it depends on who you're and what you want to achieve i  suppose it's it's good to get um  perhaps bench some some free weights and  commodity that can help you work your  reverse and shoulders that is the hardest part when you do broader weight  exercises dumbbells and a bench that will go a long way my knee hurts when i am jumping what exercise can i do to stabilize the joint we've no idea what is going on in your knee so you should not be stabilizing your  common  inescapably you should see a professional go and see someone who knows what they are doing and who can find out what is going on in your knee and this is super common that people  suppose that if  commodity hurts that they need to  fix it right down or do a certain type of exercise to stabilize and  make it up but now see a professional how  important coffee is too  important coffee in a day well 51 mugs of coffee is too  important per day no just kidding well you can drink a whole lot of coffee there is a lot of health benefits to coffee and there is some scientific  evidence um on that as well that it prevents alzheimer's  complaint parkinson's helps with with former  colorful forms of cancer and it also shields your liver just make sure to drink enough water because it can be a little dehydrating with coffee and yeah if some people do not handle coffee uh well at  each they you know if you get too jittery i wouldn't drink that much but  tête-à-tête i drink like eight mugs a day and i i am fine i am fine is it necessary to wear a belt when lifting do we make  lower progress with it but in my experience the guys and girls who are getting injured are the bones

             wearing a belt you are not getting injured while wearing the belt but when you walk in the stairs or you are lifting  commodity over and i am i'm going to tell you why so i am not wearing a belt and i am dead lifting that means my whole body is switched on working together as soon as you put that belt on i am gon na you know  dissociate that body part my legs are working my upper body might be working but my core isn't firing and it's not actuated guess what happens when i take everything off and i go to lift that box up exactly so if you do not need to wear a belt do not do it some people do it to be  suitable to lift heavier and yeah that might be working for them i suggest if you do not have to wear a belt please do not type of beer or alcohol drink would be okay with everyday life i love this question you need to  hear to me now when you decide to have a beer or glass of wine drink whatever you like it's better to drink whatever you like and not drink all the time  rather of going with a vodka soda pop lime and drink a ton of them or every day so  perhaps i would say if you need to drink  commodity that is not as good as 

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