How will I look in the gym among such ideal bodies?

Today I will dicuss very important topic related in our daily life style." I will start training on Monday. What if the next "Monday" is already tomorrow?". 

How will I look in the gym among such ideal bodies?

Instructions for use.

There are many questions Come in our mind?

how will I look in the gym among such ideal bodies?

I can't do anything, what if I look funny?

Will I have to limit myself in many ways in order to achieve results?

maybe they have genetics by nature, but I'm not given?

If you have such doubts, then this article is for you!

SUPER STEP NO 1: Find motivationSo, you are again thinking that it would be nice to use a gym membership donated by colleagues or your husband. What led you to such thoughts?

Concentrate on what exactly you want to get from playing sports. For example, here are the most common reasons why people come to the gym and contact me:

Improve your health;

lose weight

bring muscles into tone, pump up the buttocks;

gain muscle mass;

just move around after sedentary work;

like the opposite X, gain self-confidence;

eat and not get fat.

Perhaps some of these goals are spinning in your head. Think, collect all the most intimate “FOR”, you can write them down in order of importance, this will help in the future.

Share your thoughts with friends, perhaps your goals are very similar. In the company of like-minded people, it will be easier and more interesting for you. But choose purposeful companions who will not give up in a couple of days.
The more motivation, the better. Beautiful new and expensive clothes can serve as material motivation. Go shopping and buy yourself a sportswear that looks good and feels confident.

Step 2 . Start bringing sports to life

Now that you're feeling determined, grab your Wish List and head to the nearest gym you like. Pleasant and friendly girls will meet you at the reception, show you the hall, sauna, swimming pool, talk about group classes. Be sure to offer a free trial lesson, which is worth using.

Step 3 The choice of coach

For a trial lesson, you should go to the trainer who can present the world of fitness from the side of your desires. We take a catalog of trainers and look at their specialization and main directions in search of the largest number of matches with your goals. If acquaintances have achieved results under the guidance of a certain coach, we ask for his name and surname and sign up for him.

Don't be afraid to try training with different trainers while you're on the hunt. Here are the most important, in my opinion, criteria that define a professional:
asks in detail about what you want to get from playing sports;
asks about all contraindications and diseases;
does not give you impossible tasks, "hungry" diets;
looks neat, but not vulgar;
explains simply and clearly everything that you ask, until you understand;
never gets angry at you, does not reproach, does not laugh at you, even if something does not work out for a long time;
does not point out your shortcomings, only talks about how to fix them;
listens to your problems and experiences, but does not "load" with his own;
always in touch, always willing to answer any questions, support and give advice if necessary;
gives you confidence, and after training you leave with a feeling of lightness and in a good mood.
Step 4 G astronomical fitness tour

As has long been known, abs are made in the kitchen, and nutrition is 80% of the success of achieving your goals. However, don't change your eating habits too drastically. Try to give up harmful products slowly, replacing them with more useful counterparts. Learn to look for something tasty and healthy at the same time on store shelves, cook new dishes.

On training days, you can allow yourself the first time something of your favorite hazards, which will serve as additional motivation. A good trainer will definitely tell you about healthy and unhealthy foods, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, counting calories, prescribe a diet on which you will not starve and feel weak.

Step 5 l love yourself

You have already begun to train, even refused rolls, while you like everything, and there seems to be a result, but you want to get your dream figure as soon as possible. Familiar? Do not hurry. Don't overdo your workouts. Two to three workouts per week will be more than enough. 

From a large number of workouts, the body will experience stress, and the result will only slow down, and the desire to exercise will disappear. Do not hang photos of models and bodybuilders in the house, do not compare your figure with them, you are just starting your journey. Set realistic short-term goals, take photos of yourself before and after, take measurements and be inspired by your small victories.

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