How can I maintain physical and mental fitness after age 55?

Why is mental and physical health important as we age, and how can we strengthen our bodies and memories? I enquired.

How can I maintain physical and mental fitness after age 55?

For the majority of us, retirement and/or senior age provide "freedom": the kids are grown or gone; the working years are over.

At this moment, we question ourselves, "What should we do with all this time?" When was the last time you gave yourself a chance to be heard, to explore your needs, and to fulfil your desires? Has time passed quickly already? If that's the case, do it right away. It is not a coincidence that the Latins said "mens sana in corpore sano" because doing otherwise can soon result in physical and mental indolence. In actuality, our most valuable possession is our health.

Aging can be slowed down by a balanced diet, regular exercise, focused muscle building, social engagement, and a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, it's crucial to maintain your physical and mental health as you approach the age of 55. Being physically healthy will also have a great impact on your mental health. We've compiled a list of suggestions to keep your mind and body in shape.

Engage in a lot of physical activities

Without exercise, your bones, muscles, and joints deteriorate. Muscles start to atrophy more quickly after age 55 and extremely quickly beyond age 70. For these reasons, it is essential to continue engaging in vigorous physical activity: doing so lengthens life expectancy, combats obesity, lowers blood pressure, and lowers the chance of contracting additional illnesses and accidents (due to falls or injuries).

There are several reasons to exercise on a regular basis at any age. Exercises that combine endurance, balance, and strength are best for your training.

Resistance exercise

Resistance exercise is crucial for the heart, lungs, and overall health, but it is also very beneficial for mental wellness. It is advised to do 45-minute sessions of resistance training three times a week. The sports that are best for those over 55 are cycling, swimming, brisk walking, and hiking.

Advice for daily living

Always ride to the store instead than driving or walking quickly.

Instead of using the elevator, use the steps.

Ballads: It's fun and it's good endurance training too.

Maintaining joint flexibility as we age requires mobility training. Add some exercise to your regular schedule. For instance, when brushing your teeth, stand on one leg.

Games, dancing, pilates, yoga, and other similar activities may all be used to improve coordination and mobility.

Advice on how to maintain the enjoyment of physical activity

Pick a moderately hard physical activity that you love doing.

Set aside certain periods in your weekly schedule for physical activity.

Try to stimulate one another by expressing your shared interests with others. Having a conversation while exercising is always enjoyable.

Don't exercise the same way again and over.

Write about how exercise enhances bodily control, avoids depression, boosts self-confidence, and enhances sleep quality to inspire oneself.

Last but not least, relocating means being mobile! The health benefits of even a little effort

How Can I Maintain My Mental Fitness?

It is well known that physical activity is necessary for maintaining health. Not to be forgotten, however, is the intellect, which, like a muscle, requires training to avoid atrophy and laziness.

Become more aware of the phrase "mens sana in corpore sano"

For all of our essential bodily processes, including speaking, eating, walking, breathing, seeing, smelling, hearing, and thinking, the human brain is a need.

How to maintain mental fitness for as long as feasible was a question we posed to Nora Kiener Wepfer, a memory training specialist at Pro Senectute.

The brain requires regular stimulation and a range of workouts to be healthy and effective. Memory exercises improve mental acuity, focus, and attention span, as well as other brain processes. The brain needs a variety of stimuli to be trained optimally, including play, juggling exercises, poetry recitation and learning, dancing, learning other languages, playing chess, cooking, social interaction, and puzzle games. Maintaining brain efficiency, mental capacity, and creativity in daily life involves engaging all brain processes appropriately and frequently, getting enough exercise, and eating healthfully.

Important conditions for maintaining mental activity

Always be interested and inquiring.

Accept the difficulties and try some risks.

The brain has a hard time with variety.

Play, enjoy yourself, and learn happily.

Eat healthily at any age. An extra virgin olive oil, fruit, vegetable, and omega-3 fatty acid-rich diet stimulates and revitalizes our grey brain cells.

Improve your memory with these professional advice and training objectives.

Use associative reasoning (think of cartoon characters and talk about them as a group).

Develop your creativity and imagination (take a time travel with your mind).

Go on memory strolls; see exercise sheet.

Test your mental flexibility (write with your non-dominant hand).

Practice paying attention (memorize phone numbers).

lengthen the period of attention (read newspaper articles with the letters upside down).

cultivate logical thought (puzzle games).

Boost perception (live every moment with the five senses).

Use your native tongue (for example, write a short story).

Talk about the books and publications you've read.

Participate in social activities, host a gathering, or enrol in classes to study alongside the youngsters.

Attend a memory improvement class.

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