11 strongman tricks to learn

In 1952, a booklet was published by Otley Kalter, a bodybuilder, weightlifter and circus performer. His track record also includes police service, where he taught hand-to-hand combat, offering to use it more often instead of firearms. In addition to his passion for sports, Otley liked to collect books, magazines and booklets dedicated to bodybuilding and weightlifting. 

11 strongman tricks to learn

Among his colleagues, he was the number one bibliophile. Having absorbed a lot of knowledge, Kalter created his own brochure with detailed instructions for famous and popular tricks that strong men love to show.

With the help of snippets and occasionally actual quotes, we show tricks based on information from this brochure.


  1. How to tear a phone book in half
  2. How to tear a deck of cards in half
  3. How to drive a nail into a wooden board
  4. How to bend a steel nail with your hands
  5. How to lift a person with one hand
  6. How to break a rock with a punch
  7. How to handle over 1,000 pounds with ease
  8. How to lift heavy weights with one finger
  9. How to lift a person with your teeth
  10. How to Hold the Deadlift of Four Grown Men
  11. How to break a nail with your teeth
  12. How to tear a phone book in half
Get the telephone directory with your hands from the side of the pages that you really turn over. Put the book immovably on your knee and press down with your palms so the pages are looking towards the contrary edge of the book. The more you pull the pages to the contrary side, the simpler it will be to tear the book. Since truly, you will just tear a couple of pages all at once.

It will give your watchers the feeling that you are destroying the entire book immediately. They won't ever comprehend what is wrong, on the grounds that from the external everything looks very practical.

This exercise takes practice, and you may not succeed the initial time. In any case, primarily, you have dominated the stunt, presently it stays to execute it.

How to tear a deck of cards in half

The trick is very easy to perform after some practice. Place one end of the deck in the palm of your left hand and cover the other end of the deck with your right hand as shown in the picture below. You are not really tearing up a deck of cards. First you make a kink by folding them in half.

Grab each side of the deck and bend them forward first. And then bend in the opposite direction. Do this 2-3 times, and then start twisting your hands without releasing the deck. This twisting will cause the cards to tear where they were already broken. Then start pressing first on the right side, then on the left until the deck is completely torn.

For the first attempts, it is advised to rest one of the hands on the knee to provide fixation during the break of the fracture. After practice, you will be able to use your hands exclusively without using your knee.

Many become real experts and are able to tear the deck into quarters. And some can tear off one of the corners of the deck. Others may break two decks of cards at once. This trick always causes a sensation among the crowd.

How to Drive a Nail into a Wood Plank or Metal Sheet

This is actually a very simple trick, but make sure your viewers' eyes pop out of their sockets. Everything must be done quickly, the combination of speed and strength is amazing.

To do this, you need a nail of the right size. Suitable size from 8-10 pence (metric from the pamphlet - ed.). As with most nail tricks, it's all about the right grip. Success depends on how well you grabbed the nail.

Wrap a handkerchief around the nail, placing it right in the middle. Then grab the nail wrapped in a handkerchief so that it passes between two fingers. This will give you better control of the nail when driving it into the board. Place the board between two chairs, and hold it with your other hand for security. 

Then bring your hand over the board and drive the nail there with all your might. It is very important that the blow is in a straight line, otherwise the nail will go tangentially and ruin the trick. Therefore, first of all, you need to practice inserting the nail at an angle of 90 degrees.

It’s worth starting with a thin board and, as you succeed, reach a thick one. But always use soft wood. Your viewers will not know the difference between thick and thin wood. Another feature of the trick is the density of the fabric. Plus, the handkerchief needs to be wrapped around the head of the nail so that a tight ball is formed that fits comfortably in the palm of your hand. This wrapping provides greater impact force, and at the same time absorbs the force of impact on the tree.

Later, to enhance the wow effect, it is proposed to enclose a tin sheet. The nail will go through both iron and wood, which will add an extra effect to the trick.

How to bend a steel nail with your hands

A trick that always works. With it, you can easily progress from a small nail to a large one.It is always worth starting with a small size and thickness. Be sure to wrap both ends of the nail with a cloth so that you do not hurt your hands when using force. The more abundant the cloth winding is, the more firmly and tightly the hand will hold, which in parallel increases the leverage.

Next, use the knee as an emphasis. First, we slightly bend the nail about the knee in the middle, and then we place one end of the nail on the same knee, and with the other hand we begin to apply pressure from above. The process depends entirely on the quality and density of wrapping the nail with a cloth.
How to lift a person with one hand

One of the most daring proposals at a party is to lift one of your friends with one hand.

Before you start demonstrating this trick, start with a skinny friend. Have him stand on a chair and tie a strong leather strap around his body. Fasten the belt under your shoulders, and then simply lift it up on an outstretched arm, standing with your back to a friend and slightly bending your knees. 

As you lift, straighten your legs, back, and arm. The key here is balance and your own strong arms and back. In this position, the friend’s body touches your back anyway, and for the most part you carry him not with your hand, but on your back. But the full impression of transportation on the hand is preserved.

But in fact, the entire load is transferred to the legs, which are several times stronger than your arms. The main thing is to control your hand and do not let it bend to any side. Real experts will not just carry heavy friends, but do it while dancing.

How to break a rock with a punch

The real point of this trick is that you do it without any addition of cloth wrapping. And the trick is which stone to use for the trick and how to process it.

Before the demonstration, find limestone and soak it overnight in water. As you know, limestone rocks are porous and absorb water well. Absorbed water will adversely affect the structure of the stone. The shape of the stone is also important - it must lie firmly and tightly on the table, and the surface of the stone must also be flat on top.

When you're done, place the stone on a hard, level surface and hit it as hard as you can with your fist. Just hit with the back side, in no case with the knuckles, then the stone will shatter into smithereens. Do not be afraid that someone will find water, the pores of the stone have already absorbed it, there will be no traces left.

How to handle over 1,000 pounds with ease

This method actually looks difficult, but the best and most distinctive tool a man has is his bones, which cannot be disregarded. It is challenging to find an equal to the bones' resistance in terms of flexibility or load bearing capacity. And of course, we are referring to a person in their prime, with good bones and adequate muscle mass.

The main piece of the show is your situation. Crouch and rest on your hands, putting them ahead of time somewhat despite your good faith. Pull the impact points of the legs under the ass, and afterward fix the legs and arms so the line of the body from the mid-region to the hips is lined up with the floor, and the lower leg, going against the norm, is opposite.

Kindly note that the palms and bottoms of the feet ought to lay solidly on the floor surface, no piece of the body ought to be permitted to slide. The equilibrium and dependability of the design is the way to progress.

Presently request that your companions put a long board stringently kneeling down, and the actual companions to situate themselves along this board so the heaviness of the members in the stunt is roughly similar on the two sides. Presently request that they plunk down without lifting their legs stringently in twos, beginning from the center. Whenever everybody is situated, request that they raise their legs. Everything, the figure of the Human Extension before the eyes of the dumbfounded public.

You can begin with 2 individuals, and afterward arrive at your most extreme. Genuine strongmen serenely endure 20-30 individuals.

The most effective method to lift significant burdens with one finger

How to lift heavy weights with one finger

Not everyone will believe that a person is able to lift a heavy load with just one middle finger, when other people lift it with both hands and then with difficulty.

First of all, to perform the trick, you need a special hook, in which the middle finger should fit freely, tightly and securely wrapped with an elastic bandage or a dense white plaster. The density should be such that the palm wraps around this winding.

The immediate load to be lifted is placed between the legs, the free hand goes to the stop on the knee. The legs are slightly bent and ready to sprint. At the time of execution, the arm lifting the weight should be straight and hang directly over the load, like a cable from a crane. 

With your free hand at the time of lifting, press on the knee, legs straighten in parallel. It turns out that you lift the weight at the expense of the legs and part of the back. And the only thing that can interfere with the trick is the completely torn off middle finger of the hand.

How to lift a person with your teeth

Lifting an individual or burden with your teeth is continuously overpowering and somewhat terrifying. How might you have serious areas of strength for such, and for what reason don't they fall off?! These inquiries are dependably in my mind. As a matter of fact, the stunt is that the teeth are something uniquely great and nothing to do with it.

An exceptional job here is given to the making of an extraordinary supplement made of certified cowhide, into which the ring is strung. It ought to be thick and sturdy skin, into which teeth ought to dive into when nibbled. Similar to a boxing cap. During the stunt, it is this cowhide embed that is put in the mouth and chomped.

The individual or load to be lifted is wrapped with lashes that effectively help to adjust the suspended weight. While drawing closer, the heap is totally in the middle, the legs are marginally bowed, the cowhide embed with the ring is set in the mouth. The lifting of the heap is completed with the legs while keeping up with full equilibrium.

Your companion ought to act tranquilly in an in-between state. On the off chance that you choose to dazzle the crowd much more and wind the heap, then do it easily around your hub and just in one bearing. The fact that you esteem your teeth makes this given.

The heap for this situation falls on the legs and neck. The legs support the heaviness of the heap, and the neck assists hold the cowhide with embedding with the teeth.

How to Hold the Deadlift of Four Grown Men

Not the most troublesome stunt, however it merits beginning with preparing with two companions.

Stand with legs wide separated, arms collapsed at the chest. A ring of rope or other solid material is tossed over each shoulder. That is the general purpose, centrally, the circles don't fall underneath the elbow. Here, with directional footing, they basically can't spread your arms.

Furthermore, the pushes gave from the two sides are not really perceptible, in light of the fact that the wide-dispersed legs keep up with your equilibrium. They pull one another, and you control this interaction, as a matter of fact.
The most effective method to break a nail with your teeth

Once more, a basic yet noteworthy stunt. You can make the deception that you don't have teeth, yet a wire cutters of some sort or another.

Take a little nail and drive it 2/3 into the wood board. Wrap the top of the nail with a tissue as cautiously as could really be expected so as not to scratch off the lacquer of the teeth a short time later.

Chomp immovably on the subsequent skein of a tissue and start to swing the nail every which way. Forward, in reverse, left, right. A 2/3 driven nail is in a magnificent bad habit, and you just break it with the assistance of neck muscles. Eventually, the nail will break, the group is in shock.

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