How quickly can you lose shape without exercise?

Vacation, illness, financial difficulties, business trip to the end of the world - whatever the reasons for the break, long weeks without the gym will reduce your performance. But don't be discouraged: the physical form does not go away so quickly. In addition, it is in your power to keep it without access to the gym and quickly return to the previous indicators.

How quickly can you lose shape without exercise?

How fast do you lose power

During the first 3-4 weeks without strength training, you can not worry about the break. For both beginners and experienced athletes , muscle strength remains at the same level. But you can notice a decrease in muscle volume after two weeks without exercise. However, when you do this, you are not losing protein, but water.

When you exercise, your muscles increase the storage of glycogen, a fast fuel from glucose. It binds water, due to which the muscles look more voluminous. When you stop training, you lose glycogen , and with it the accumulated fluid , as a result of which the muscles "deflate". But when you resume training, glycogen stores will replenish and your relief will return to the previous level.

Even if the time without exercise drags on, it will not be so difficult to get back in shape : when your muscles grow, the number of myonuclei increases in them . And after the cessation of training, the volume goes away, but the cores remain .

Therefore, by resuming classes, you will build up the old muscles much faster than absolute beginners will achieve the same result.

What’s more, taking a break from training can even be beneficial. The body adapts to regular strength training, and over time, the response to anabolic signals declines . A three-week break can reduce adaptation and increase anabolic hormone levels , so that when you return to normal, the muscles will grow faster.

What to do with it

To maintain strength for 8-12 weeks without training, it is enough to exercise once a week and perform only a third of the previous volume of loads. You can very well maintain the desired level by exercising at home on the horizontal bar , with dumbbells or elastic expander bands. These compact shells will provide a load on all muscle groups and help maintain strength.

If you can't buy dumbbells and resistance bands, do exercises with your own body weight. This will help maintain muscle mass until the moment when you get access to the gym again.

Experienced athletes are advised to perform more eccentric movements, since such loads help to maintain strength indicators longer. These are any exercises with a prolonged eccentric phase, in which the muscles are under load in a stretched position. For example, in a squat, this is lowering into a squat , and in a pull-up, it is a return to the hang.

Strength training with an expander: exercises for all muscle groups

How long does it take to lose stamina

Unlike strength, stamina drains faster. The fact is that after 4 weeks without training, the volume of blood plasma decreases . And the less plasma, the more viscous the blood becomes, which slows down the transfer of oxygen to the tissues of the body.

The maximum oxygen consumption (MOC) is also rapidly decreasing - the amount that the body is able to use. After a week and a half without exercise, the MPC drops by 7%, although in the future the decrease slows down and reaches 15% only by the third month without training.

Without cardio, you can lose 4 to 25% of your endurance in 3-4 weeks.

And if experienced athletes lose from 6 to 20% of the IPC per month without loads, then beginners roll back to the initial level during the same time.

What to do with it

Aerobic work is not necessarily running, cycling and other types of cyclic cardio. You can very well accelerate the pulse at home by doing light exercise sessions .

Moreover, you can do them both in the format of continuous work at a pulse of 130-160 beats per minute, and in the form of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) - this is when periods of maximum intensity alternate with rest or calm exercises.

Such a training regime pumps the work of the heart, increases the BMD and improves the aerobic capacity of the body.

Also, to maintain endurance, you can use exercises with your body weight . Several studies at once confirm that such power loads have a positive effect on both BMD and endurance in general.

Try 30 minutes of aerobic trash for health, weight loss and endurance

How to quickly accumulate extra pounds

Stopping exercising will cut your energy expenditure and may slow down your resting metabolism. If at the same time you consume the same or more calories than usual, you can build up excess fat reserves, mainly in the waist area.

What to do with it

You may well keep the weight off if you change your diet in time for a new level of energy expenditure and add physical activity. Short but intense HIIT workouts are good for staying in shape.

They will help you burn more calories and increase your resting metabolism at the expense of oxygen debt. If this format doesn't appeal to you, try long, moderate-intensity aerobic sessions, which are also good for burning calories.

Don't quit training. Practice in your hotel room and outside if weather permits. Run, push ups, pull ups and try new moves with your body weight and available furniture .

And remember that a short break will not put an end to your performance: you will quickly return to form as soon as you start exercising again.

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