How can I avoid paying for extra luggage?

How will you be equipped to engage in outdoor recreational activities safely? What important considerations should we bear in mind when participating in outdoor activities? Make sure you're ready for your vacation.

Be sure to be ready for your vacation.

If you don't train, you should start preparing at least one and a half months before the important date and ideally two.

Identify your specific trip goals and start with a strategy. Due to the fact that a year would be required if this were a marathon on the Great Wall of China. 

Preparation is less difficult if the planned exploits are not as widespread. That should be ample time—we just have a few months left!

We start with daily walks for 30 minutes , and at a brisk pace. Too lazy to just walk? Forget the elevator, walk! Do you live low? Alas, walks can not be avoided! Very high - start small and gradually increase. Gradually, you need to bring the number of steps per day to 10,000: believe me, you walk this number on vacation in half a day.

Very often, people on active holidays complain of back and knee pain. And this pain overshadows the whole vacation. If in ordinary life you have observed pain from long standing or long walking, then you definitely need to prepare yourself and your muscles for the journey ! Rehabilitation trainers can help with this issue, such questions are within their competence.

 If there are no such specialists, then you should take care of yourself: a simple set of exercises for all the muscles of the body, of course, will not remove the problem, but at least smooth out its consequences. Daily workouts for 20 minutes is one of the best ways to get in shape.

If you dream of tightening your figure a little for your vacation, then it’s also worth starting 1.5 - 2 months in advance, no later. This period will allow you to rebuild your taste preferences .and enter the mode. 

Emergency weight loss two weeks before a significant date is good only in the case of a wedding or birthday, and when these dates are two weeks old, then after a couple of days you, allowing yourself too much, risk not entering the clothes that you bought for vacation. 

Therefore, we remove all food waste to the maximum, cook at home, distribute meals evenly throughout the day, the last one - two to three hours before bedtime. We include fruits, vegetables, greens - at least 500 grams per day, preferably 700-900 grams. 

You can eat only those products whose composition you know. And to find out the composition, you need to cook food, because very often what is written on the label does not match the content! The more varied your food, the better. But remember about portions, they are calculated individually and can be either 250 grams or 500-700 grams for athletes.

Don't lose your head

Suppose you have successfully prepared and reached your resting place. And here the main thing is not to lose everything that you have acquired while preparing for the vacation.   Of course, if your vacation is active walks and excursions, you will not lose your physical shape, on the contrary, you can even improve it.

But on vacation, delicious and unusual food awaits us, which we definitely want to try. Unfortunately, the uncontrolled eating of all gastronomic miracles leads to the same uncontrolled set of extra pounds in the form of fat. 

Alas, active walking, swimming and everything you plan to do on vacation will not save you. For most of the time we eat much more than we can spend. Therefore, make a certain gastronomic menu before the trip. the region where you plan to travel.

Estimate the number of calories in this meal. However, practise has shown that plus or minus treats have identical caloric contents everywhere; thus, you should consider the complexity of the dish, as well as whether or not it contains fats and simple carbs. I would suggest giving the food a try, enjoying a tiny portion, and then stopping there if there is a lot of either.

Another crucial point: if you truly want to experience local food, make sure your menu is as varied as possible. However, don't taste everything at once. So you gain a thorough understanding of the regional cuisine while also maintaining your form, or if you do lose it, very minimally.

In general, staying in shape is important and doable beyond the holidays. This is a fantastic perk in real life, as seen with real individuals!

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