How to Begin Eating Well (LIFE CHANGING)

Today I'm going to tell you how to start eating healthy, and hopefully, with this information, we can change a whole bunch of people's lives all around the world.

But first, I'd want to demonstrate how using this exercise plan we can work out our full body really quickly. Move downstairs with me. (cheerful music) Now that we're downstairs at the tennis court, we can begin our training for the day in the ideal location.

With today's workout, we'll work out every muscle in our body with just three movements, making it a great option for those with limited time.

The wonderful part about callisthenics is that you workout with your own weight, which means you can carry your gym with you everywhere you go. And because of it, we are now able to exercise outside and downstairs without having to transport bulky equipment or being compelled to visit the gym.

So that there are no justifications for not always having a fantastic exercise, you can be in terrific shape and be able to work out at any time, anyplace, without relying on anything, that is my favourite training technique.

And one of the best ways to keep in shape is to be able to workout regularly.

So with that said, let's start this exercise regimen right away.

Burpees will be the first activity, and as I'm sure you've heard me mention before, they are one of the finest exercises and a fantastic place to start since they raise your heart rate and warm up all of your body's muscles.

Burpees are a lazy killer, so if you practise them regularly, you should already be noticing significant changes in your performance as well as in your body and cardiovascular endurance. Therefore, let's begin this exercise with 10 burpees. If you're just getting started, performing multiple sets of this exercise by yourself may be a full-body workout.

Throughout certain parts of the activity, every muscle in your body is being worked, including your back, core, shoulders, arms, legs, and chest, all while your endurance is being increased.

So whether you're a novice or not, you should absolutely incorporate the burpee as well as the other two exercises I'm about to demonstrate into your exercise routine since they'll not only provide you a quick, efficient, whole-body workout but also significantly increase your fitness capabilities. Okay, now let's do some burpees.

With the following exercise, we'll focus more on the lower body. Let's aim for 10 pistol squats on each leg for our exercise. (loud music) Now, if anyone out there is having trouble with the pistol squat, you can always perform it with assistance by sitting down on a chair, coming up, and then doing it again.

Before going on to aided pistol squats, you can also do as many pistol squats as you can. You'll benefit far more by doing it in a drop-set arrangement. Okay, there we have the pistol squat. (Upbeat music) Your legs, core, and even back will all suffer if you isolate each limb.

Pushups 90-Degree Angle

And now we'll go on to the last exercise, which is going to be something extraordinary. Pushups at a 90-degree angle are our goal. With pistol squats, we concentrated mostly on our lower body; with burpees, we concentrated on every muscle in our body; and with this last exercise, we will concentrate primarily on our upper body, giving us a full-body workout that works every muscle in our body in just three exercises.

Three challenging workouts that are special and can help you succeed Now that that is out of the way, let's get started; we're going to max this one up. There was the 90-degree handstand pushup, which is undoubtedly difficult; thus, some people won't be able to do it.

That is not an issue. I've got a sequence that will mimic the same muscle activation and movement pattern as a real 90-degree handstand pushup. And if you repeat this exercise enough times, you will ultimately have the strength needed to perform the actual 90. And the next step after the 90-degree handstand pushup will be pipe press pushups (mumbles).

In order to make the 90-degree handstand pushup more bearable while still working our shoulders, arms, core, and even back, we'll be able to imitate it without utilising all of our body weight.

In less than 10 minutes, I've already worked out every muscle in my body. I personally like to do at least six to seven rounds of excellent reps for each exercise in a plan that only includes three movements.

But nevertheless, you'll get a full-body workout with just one round of this. You will see significant gains in all areas of your training after only three rounds of this programme, which can be completed in less than 20 minutes. I'll continue doing this for a few more rounds before leading the way upstairs.

To truly start getting in the greatest condition of your life, I'm going to show you how to start eating healthily in conjunction with your exercise. Remember to download this exercise as well as all of my own workout programmes with specific objectives in mind, such as being shredded and burning fat at the same time with little to no equipment.

A brand-new update that appears to be a brand-new app was recently launched. Additionally, make sure you sign up as a member at to get complete access to all the exercises.

Okay, I'll complete my workout now and then I'll see you all upstairs. (loud music) Now that we're in my kitchen, the following section is for anyone who has attempted to start eating healthfully but failed or who just doesn't know how.

This, in my opinion, will be the ideal method to begin eating healthily and to remain on course, making it simple to adjust to and sustain this new healthy eating habit.

Finding all the wholesome meals that you love and appreciate is the first thing you should do when you decide to start eating healthier. Eating what you enjoy will make it much simpler than switching to a new diet or following someone else's meal plan when you don't enjoy the stuff you're currently eating.

That is short-lived. Making a list of the things you enjoy is therefore the first step. You may see my own favourite foods right here. Let's begin with proteins. I occasionally enjoy eating red meat in addition to chicken breast, shrimp, salmon, and shrimp. I don't consume it frequently, but at least once every two weeks, I do.

Top sirloin fillet is the name of this particular cut. That is the leanest cut of red beef, which is why I picked it. You may also take protein from other sources, though.

particularly if you're vegetarian or a vegan. But because I enjoy eating these items, it will be simpler for me to eat them, stay on track, and continue to practise healthy eating habits.

Let's now discuss veggies, which also contain protein and other nutrients. Asparagus is where we will begin. I enjoy eating bok choy, broccoli, spinach, and asparagus. Of course, I also enjoy other veggies that I don't eat as frequently, such as maize, avocado, and even potatoes.

On the other hand, I eat sweet potatoes more frequently than normal potatoes. In addition, I consume the following grains: quinoa, whole wheat spaghetti, and some of this rice. I do, however, regularly consume all of these components. 

Now that we've got that down, the next step is to know what your objective is and calculate how many calories you need consume in order to achieve that goal. Even if you only consume healthy foods, if you don't eat enough or too much in relation to your goals, you could never achieve them.

Your objectives may also alter as you begin your fitness journey. And for this reason, it's critical to be aware of how many calories you're actually taking in each day. Using myself as an example, I want to maintain a budget of about $175.

Personally, I think that weight is where I'm at my best, and as I gain more weight, many of the other body-weight exercises I perform become a little more challenging. So maintaining a weight of 175 pounds has always been my aim. My calorie consumption will therefore occasionally rely on my workout, my body, and how much I weigh.

If I'm under my ideal weight, I'll be eating more calories than usual, or in a caloric surplus. But keep in mind that you don't want to go too far over your calorie excess.

I would only have consumed roughly 300 more calories than usual. That also holds true if you're attempting to lose weight, therefore I'll be consuming around 300 less calories than I normally would. And for that reason, you should limit your calorie intake to no more than 300.

You will acquire fat if you eat excessively, and you may lose muscle mass if you eat insufficiently. Okay, so after you've calculated your daily calorie intake in accordance with your goals, the next step is to schedule when you'll eat each meal. If you stick to your plan and don't consume additional unneeded or unhealthy foods or terrible snacks in between meals, it will be simpler to stay on track.

Because you already know what you're going to eat and how much of it, it will also help you stick to your diet plan, increasing your likelihood of success. I'll use myself as an example: I like to workout right after I get up. exercising in some way for at least 30 minutes.

After that, I'll start working, and then I'll take my first meal between 2:00 and 3:00 p.m. I'll eat again somewhere between 6:00 and 7:00 p.m. I'll work out properly after that, and my final meal will be at 10:00. Additionally, each meal will include about 900 calories. That's the method I personally use.

It's possible that the nutritious food you're consuming has been ruined by your cooking methods. Adding a tonne of extra sugary condiments or frying it in butter may result in hundreds of extra calories that you did not plan for and may destroy the nutrients in the veggies. Therefore, to ensure that your meal is as nutritious as possible, prepare it as simply as you can, ideally by grilling or baking it, and refrain from including any added sugar.

There are many different techniques for preparing great cuisine. preparing spinach in a sauté, but I'll teach you how to do it in an other topic. If you guys need assistance with calorie counting since you're unsure of how many calories are in each item,

You can discover a tonne of calorie counters online or in the app store, and they can all help you keep track of and figure out precisely how many calories you consume daily with each meal. Water consumption is another important habit to keep in mind.

It contains no calories, removes all toxins and impurities from your body, and keeps you hydrated. Additionally, you can always get one of the Heria water flasks from if you want to remain hydrated while on the road. Bring water with you everywhere you go.

Save the world from hazardous plastic water bottles by keeping it hot or cold. You should be able to start eating healthily and, more importantly, maintain it if you follow these three fundamental steps. And if you haven't been doing it already, this will elevate your training to a completely new level.

People mistakenly believe that eating healthily is unpleasant and uncomfortable, yet when you follow a healthy diet, your body feels wonderful. You must mix healthy food with wise exercise since you're giving your body the nutrition it needs to not only help you gain muscle and get shredded but also perform much harder and attain your potential in the quickest period of time feasible training to get the best possible results.

And with that, this will conclude the article for today. Additionally, you must schedule your workouts just like you must schedule your meals.

Download my Heria Pro app from the app store or Google Play store to get full access to all my workout programmes, including the ones we just did today. If you need a planned-out, perfectly structured workout programme with specific goals in mind, like getting shredded and building solid lean muscle in the fastest, most efficient amount of time, then do not hesitate to do so. Additionally, be sure to visit to sign up as a member and receive complete access to all my workout programs.

You should also subscribe if you haven't done so because I publish every Thursday at 2:00 p.m. Eastern time in the United States. Additionally, there is always a possibility to win free Heria clothing if you leave a comment within 30 minutes of any upload.

Now, make sure you're following me on Instagram if you want to see more of my material over the week. I always do some sort of giveaway in practically every single post.

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